Exotic Vibes and Far Away Places

Rebecca Stadlen is an event designer, entrepreneur, and writer based in New York City and Tel Aviv. Formerly the Home Market Editor at Vogue, she utilizes her editorial eye and styling skills to design beautiful weddings and events. To learn more about Rebecca, visit www.rebeccastadlen.com.
My style is influenced by design from around the world. The colors and patterns found in traditional Indian textiles are one of the biggest sources of inspiration for me, influencing everything from what I wear to what I hang on my walls. In my home (in the center of Tel Aviv) you'll find shibori pillows hand dyed in Brooklyn alongside Moroccan rugs from the shuk, plus woven African baskets and Israeli art prints on the walls. Right now I am particularly inspired by the desert (after a long weekend spent in Israel's Negev Desert) and am dreaming of designing a desert wedding!
Kristen Behrman