Featured Artist: Nicki Clendening

Featured Artist: Nicki Clendening


Nicki Clendening is the founder of Scout Designs, an interiors firm known for effortlessly incorporating a wide range of styles and design elements to create spaces that are both adventurous and timeless.  Whether shopping the fields at Round Top market, picking up a piece at a brocante in Bordeaux, or discovering gems in Los Angeles flea markets, Nicki Clendening is always on the hunt for unique furniture and interesting objets, with a keen eye for the unusual and the exotic. 

The Street Art Collection is a series of photos captured by Nicki of old street posters found around the world. They have been pasted on top of each other, torn and worn, and the result through Nicki's lens are stunning compositions and color combinations.

I don’t consider myself an artist, but because I love art I tend to see it everywhere. The layered, torn posters look like abstract works to me. Once you start looking, you can find them everywhere! My collection was photographed in New York City, Rome, rural France, New Orleans, Los Angeles, and Costa Rica.