Advice From A Designer | 2Michaels

Founded by sisters Joan and Jayne, 2Michaels is a design studio known for its fresh, elegant, and timeless interiors. The sisters’ design sensibility is influenced by their early years spent in Palm Springs and later in Milan. Their work has been featured in Architectural Digest, Elle Decor, and The New York Times.
Joan and Jayne have a passion for furniture, fabrics, antiques, and art. The Artful Review caught up with the design duo to get their top tips for decorating with art.
Joan & Jayne’s 5 Tips For Decorating With Art
Consider The Backdrop
“A brick wall is a great backdrop for art. Individually these art pieces don't relate to one another but the texture and color of the brick compliments and soothes.”
Bring Life To A Bookshelf
“What to do with a white bookshelf ? Have fun and experiment with colored paper! Choose a palette that enhances the room and works with the objects in each shelf. We found drawings, photographs, pottery and sculptures at various auctions and online sites.
Don't be afraid to play with the arrangements. Group objects together then remove what doesn't work, step back and look. Put an object back, step back and look. Take it away, step back and look. Keep at it, you're creating magic!”
Photo by Eric Laignel, courtesy of 2Michaels.
Add A Bit Of Drama
“A series of portraits is a great way to add drama to a room. Vary sizes and shapes to create tension and mystery.”
Solve The Puzzle
“Creating an art wall like this is similar to solving a puzzle. First place the artworks on the ground (the floor should be empty of furniture). Move the pieces around until you see a pattern emerging. Keep tweaking until everything is balanced. Take photos and make a sketch with all the dimensions. Then slowly, reproduce the configuration on the wall by hanging each piece one by one… Afterwards you will feel like you solved a puzzle!”
Consider The Utility
“To hide or not hide a television? That is the question. For this project the large artwork is placed on a sliding track. A television is hidden behind it and is revealed only when it's desired.”
Get Joan and Jayne’s Look With Their Favorite Pieces From Artfully Walls
Michelle Adams